Leagues Explained

We offer scholarships! Everyone plays in KSR. Please send inquiries to klondikesummerrec.info@gmail.com

Teeball & Rookies


Primarily for 5-year-olds (as of April 30th of the current year), or those playing for the first time, this division aims to give kids the
opportunity to have organized exposure to playing the game of baseball. 4-year-olds will be considered by the league director on a case-by-case basis.

Teeball focuses on introducing the game to players while teaching them the fundamentals. Teams will consist of 7-8 players to keep the batting order moving quicker and to allow for more action on the field with chances to field live balls in play. Teams will be comprised of both boys and girls, and a softie-style baseball is used during practices/games. This league will begin in in August and will run through the end of September. Practices will be held one evening per week for one hour, and teams will play one, hour-long game on Saturday mornings. Each player will be assigned to a team by the league director. There is no skills testing for this league.

In Teeball, players begin by hitting off the tee. The goal is to begin to gradually incorporate “front toss” (by the coaches). Once teams begin using “front toss” during games, players will get up to three pitches each at-bat; if the ball is not hit into the field of play by the third pitch, then the hitter will hit off the tee. Players will rotate through all positions on the field.


This division is primarily for 6-year-olds and aims to build upon the fundamentals that were introduced in t-ball. The goal is to get the players ready to play 8U the following year. 5 year-olds, who have played one year of t-ball, can play 6U baseball; however, they will play 6U for two seasons and not move to 8U the following season as a 6-year-old.

Rookie baseball will continue to focus on developing strong fundamentals, understanding the rules of the game, and general game-play. Teams will be comprised of both boys and girls and will consist of ~10 players. This league will begin in August and will run through the end of September. Practices will be held one evening per week for one hour, and teams will play one, hour-long game on Saturday mornings. Each player will be assigned to a team by the league director. There is no skills testing for this league.

In rookies, players hit machine pitched balls, and outs will be accounted for. Players will get up to three pitches off the machine; if the ball is not hit into the field of play by the third pitch, then the hitter will hit off the tee. Players will rotate through all positions on the field.

Baseball 8U
Baseball 10U
Baseball 12U
Baseball 14U
Showcase Teams
Softball Pixies 8U
Softball Cadets 10U
Softball Juniors 12U
Softball Minors 16U